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I think winstrol only, especially just oral is a waste of money. Like others have said, first cycle really needs to be a tester to see how you react. Injections is definitely the way forward with a simple 10-12 week test only cycle. Winstrol, like Anavar, does not aromatize, making it a suitable steroid for females coveting a tight, dry and vascular physique; with minimal amounts of fluid retention. For this reason, the below steroid cycle is often utilized by females preparing for a competition, in a bid to display maximum muscle definition. Com – Underground Bodybuilding Fitness and Steroid Site – Tons of Bodybuilding, Weight Lifting, and Steroid Information – Check out the bodybuilding pictures, anabolic steroid cycles, diet drugs, fitness and weight lifting info. Test is difficult to get hand on and secondly i have grade 1 gyno. Plus doxycycline for acne. W1: 10mg per day W2: 20mg per day/ 100mg doxycycline W3: 30mg per day/100 mg doxycycline W4: 10mg per day W5: 20mg per day/100 mg doxycycline W6: 30mg per day/100 mg doxycycline. Winstrol (Stanozolol) is a well-known steroid, it is used by athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness models. It is commonly used during a cutting cycle a few weeks before a competition. Bodybuilders use it to prepare for a contest while athletes use it because of its performance-enhancing properties

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