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Clenbuterol chemical structure


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Clenbuterol chemical structure





























Clenbuterol chemical structure

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Chen WY, et al, clenbuterol chemical structure. A dark, but serendipitous, observation brought another agent to the fore, . Exposure to mustard gases in World War I was shown to deplete bone marrow and lymph nodes. The alkylating properties of these gasses were developed into drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, that proved to be potent anti-tumor agents in rodent models and later in human trials. Inhibition of nucleotide synthesis was effective as well, with 6-mercaptopurine showing promise both in acute leukemias and other cancers 7. Interestingly, although each of these classes of drugs was shown to reduce or even clear the cancerous disease, none of the remissions proved durable..


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